Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Dan Radcliffe, You Will Break My Heart Yet, Or Why Half-Blood Prince is My New Favorite Potter

I did something last night that I've never done before. I went to a 12:01 showing of a movie, in this case Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I have to confess that I was a tiny bit disappointed by the lack of outrageous costumes (admittedly, I could only rustle up a straw at the concession stand to use as a wand!) but that is where the disappointments ended. I have had very high hopes for this film since the very first trailer I saw, and my every hope was confirmed last night. This film is incredible! Certainly the best Potter film yet, and by far the most entertaining on both sides of the spectrum. It was lovely to laugh so much during a movie that you knew was going to end badly...and even though there were a few strays from the book (should we expect any less?), overall I found that it followed the story well, and those creative liberties that were taken were done so with such grace that I was quick to forgive. I was completely captivated by this movie. The actors have really come into their own, and I was seriously impressed by the depth of the performances. Each time I think I have conquered my Potter obsession, something like this comes along and smacks me in the face. Seriously, Jo Rowling, if I could have even one grain of your genius, I could die happy.

The true magic of Harry Potter for me (pun very much intended) is the fact I have read these books and seen these films dozens of times, and yet I still want more. I am now ridiculously excited for the next film installments. (How ever will we wait?) In the meantime, I am soaking up the media coverage of the film and its stars, rereading the series once again, and practicing my straw work, uh I mean wand work, for the release of the next film!

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