Sunday, July 5, 2009

25 Random Things About Me, Or Why Sometimes Kid Lit Allows for a Bit of Snark

Facebook is one of my absolute favorite ways to take my attention away from reading. Sometimes at the end of a particularly satisfying read (or a particularly disappointing one), I just feel the need to walk away for a bit. Sometimes it is to bask in the warm glow of an amazing story; sometimes it is to allow myself to recover from the icy clutches of a nasty one. At any rate, I'm a self-proclaimed Facebook junkie and a few months ago, these "forwarded" notes were raging all around the site. "One Word Answers." "Shuffle Your iPod." "25 Random Things About Me." Sure, it is fun to write 25 so-called random things about yourself (things your friends undoubtedly already know about you), but I decided to do things a little differently. Here I present "25 Random Things...and then some!"

1. One time, while playing hide and seek with my siblings, I hid in an old wardrobe and disappeared into a magical land.

2. When I was young, I lived across the road from a farm inhabited by a pig, some geese, some sheep, a couple cows, a rat, and one very clever spider.

3. I once moved to Florida and befriended a stray dog, which I promptly named after a local grocery store.

4. When I was 11 years old, I received an acceptance letter to an old school in England. I got there by riding a train.

5. When I was young, I could only see in black and white, until I became friends with this old guy who taught me the ways of the world.

6. I have a younger brother who is actually a mouse.

7. I am currently engaged in a high-stakes, worldwide hunt for clues that will lead to possible world domination.

8. I love my dog so much that I once wrote an entire book of poems about him.

9. I was once inspired to redecorate my house by a seagull and a can of orange paint.

10. I once saved a colony of owls from losing their home to a pancake house.

11. I used to eat at a restaurant where you always got a waffle, no matter what you ordered.

12. When my dad reads aloud, things come out of books.

13. I once pretended to be Zen to impress a girl.

14. I once belonged to a secret society of genius kids who were trying to save the world from their leader's deranged twin brother.

15. I once discovered a carousel that served as a fountain of youth.

16. When I was a kid, all these crazy things kept happening to me and I didn't know why. Then I found out that my best friend was actually a goat and things got pretty weird from there.

17. Storks used to build their nests on the roof of my school.

18. I once took a tour of a candy factory. It turned out to be a pretty big deal.

19. A friend of mine used to take me to a magical land by swinging on a rope over a string.

20. I once decided to go live in the wilderness, where I befriended a peregrine falcon.

21. I once lived in Canada, had red hair, and talked way too much.

22. Another time I had red hair and lived with a monkey and a horse.

23. I have aunts named Sponge and Spiker.

24. I'm always in favor of a wild rumpus.

25. In high school, I moved to a small town in Washington and made some new friends. I don't sleep much anymore.

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